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Do This Instead of Making a Resolution

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Stats say that resolutions don’t work. Research gives us a number of 8% of resolutions that are kept for an entire year. Why? Are they too loose? Not precise enough? In our businesses, we can say, “I want to sell more product.” But what does that mean? Is it measurable? Will you be able to maintain that goal when things get tough?

We have a new suggestion for you.

Instead of setting these resolutions that you may not stick with through the whole year, give yourself a word. Or two words! Or a series of words! Something that you can focus on when you’re losing sight of your goal.

If you’re new to using a word to propel your year forward, we have a simple process to help you out.

Step 1: Reflect

Ask yourself some simple questions, let yourself think those questions through without editing your answers.

What could I use more of in my life?
What could I use less of?

What characteristics do I want to possess?

At the end of the day, I feel ___________. Is that how I want to feel?

Step 2: Let yourself feel

Visualize what your perfect day feels like. Think about your morning routine, does it work for you? How do you want to feel throughout the day? How do you want to feel before ending your day?

Sit in silence for a couple of minutes. Ask yourself, “What word do I want to focus on in 2020?”

Do this when you’re relaxed. Set aside a day to focus on choosing your word and creating your year.

Step 3: Make a List

This is simple. With the questions and answers in mind, make a list of words or phrases that come to mind. Don’t worry about editing or wondering if something “fits”. Just let the words flow!

Step 4: Review and Select

Take your list and highlight or circle the words that pop out to you. Cross out any that you’re not drawn to. Trust your gut. Let the words find you. From those words you highlighted, pick one or two that stand out the most. That’ll be your word(s) for 2021!

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